DHB/NZNO MECA Profile Questions
Thank you for your willingness to provide a profile of yourself to help us in our 2020 DHB/NZNO MECA campaign. This email is about how you can do that.
We really want this year's campaign to be member-led and these profiles will help us share real stories about real nurses, midwives and health care assistants with the public and the powers-that-be. This will help them understand why people who work in nursing are so valuable and why they need to be well supported with good pay and working conditions.
We have included some questions for you to answer below. Some are required and some are optional. We’d love to hear from you by return email. When we do, we’ll write a profile for you based on your answers and send it back to you for your approval. We promise not to release your full name or any details that would identify where you work.
Please include a nice, clear photo of yourself if we haven’t got one of you already. This could be of you at work and taken with a cell phone camera. We will be able to modify identifying features in the photos if necessary.
We are hoping to launch a 2020 DHB/NZNO MECA campaign website in the next couple of weeks and it would be great to have a few profiles ready to go so we can feature them there. So if you can get back to us quickly that would be great. But no pressure! Take all the time you need.
Please also download and return to us a completed consent form:
Thanks again for your willingness to be part of a significant display that will help make it really clear why nurses, midwives and health care workers deserve the very best from the next DHB/NZNO MECA.
Your details
These details are mainly for our records. We will only identify you by your ‘known as’ name and role. We will not publish your surname or identify where you work.
- Full name:
- How you like to be referred to (‘known as’):
- The DHB you work for:
- Your role description:
Standard questions (please answer all of these)
- Why did you choose to become a nurse, midwife or health care assistant?
- Briefly, what does your daily work involve?
- What are your hopes for the DHB/NZNO MECA negotiations?
- What brings you joy in your work and makes you feel proud?
- What would it mean for you to be paid what you’re worth and to have working conditions that allow you to do your job?
Optional questions (please answer up to three of these)
- What was your work highlight this week?
- What are three qualities that make a good nurse, midwife or health care assistant?
- What four things would you consider to be the most important in your life?
- What are the greatest challenges you face at work?
- If you send a one-sentence message to people in Aotearoa New Zealand about your work, what would it be?
- What’s one awesome thing about you that not many people know?
Have you remembered to include your photo and a completed consent form?
We're really excited by this campaign and the planning going into it. We look forward to seeing your faces and hearing your words, and ensuring that we're all driving it together.
Mauri ora!