Bargaining Process

What’s happening now? Steps to negotiate our new MECA


Delegate preparation

February-March. Completed.


Delegates meet to prepare for member meetings and discuss how we build a MECA campaign that has member engagement and leadership at its heart.

Learn more

2020 Campaign Summary

Member claims meetings

March. Completed.


Union members meet to discuss their employment issues and proposed claims for negotiations.

Delegate nomination and selection for endorsement

March-April. Completed.


Members nominate delegates to be part of the bargaining team. The National Delegate Committee (made up of one locally elected delegate from each DHB) selects 12 delegates for endorsement by members.

Learn more

See the proposed team

Online claims survey

May. Completed


Whilst COVID -19 interrupted the claims meeting process we did complete over 400 claims meetings with more than 5700 attendees. We’ve created an online claims survey based on the results of these meetings which has been emailed to all members.

Online vote to endorse delegates and claims



Union members will vote to endorse the claims and issue we take into negotiations; the delegates on the bargaining team and the process for ratifying a proposed settlement.


Scheduled to start in June.


NZNO starts negotiating with DHBs to renew our MECA. We'll provide regular updates after each round.

Report back meetings

May happen multiple times.


Negotiations are adjourned so NZNO members can hear a report about negotiations to date and give guidance and direction to the NZNO bargaining team.

Strike Action

May not happen or may happen multiple times.


NZNO members use their collective power by withdrawing some or all of their labour. Before striking members vote on whether or not to take industrial action.


After agreement has been reached in negotiations.


Written agreement detailing what has been agreed at negotiations.


Before the Collective Agreement is finalised


Union members hold a formal vote to accept or reject the settlement.

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